Welcome to Music Magnet,
the company that is revolutionizing the music rights industry.

Welcome to Music Magnet,
the company that is revolutionizing the music rights industry.

Our mission is to provide Performing Right Organizations (PROs) and Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) with the most accurate and relevant information on music played in clubs, public performance locations, festivals.

At Music Magnet, we utilize cutting-edge technology and real-time data to offer a comprehensive and streamlined solution to tracking and reporting music usage.

Our key is our human/machine workflow, which combines the power of technology with our team's expertise to deliver unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.

We are committed to providing the best possible service to our clients, and we pride ourselves on our attention to detail and dedication to innovation. ​

With Music Magnet, you can rest assured that you will have access to the most up-to-date and reliable data available.​

Thank you for choosing Music Magnet
as your best musical data provider
whatever the context is.​

It's All About Data

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