Electronic Music Industry Reports

here are some studies and reports about the electronic music industry in Europe:

Electronic Music Market Report 2021 – Europe: This report by the Association for Electronic Music (AFEM) provides insights into the electronic music market in Europe, including market size, revenue streams, and key trends. The report can be found here.

The Economic Contribution of the Night Time Industries: This report by Oxford Economics looks at the economic contribution of the night-time industries in major European cities, including the electronic music sector. The report can be found here.

Electronic Music Industry Report 2020: This report by the German Federal Association of Music Industry (BVMI) provides insights into the electronic music industry in Germany, including market size, revenue streams, and key trends. The report can be found here.

The French Electronic Music Industry Report: This report by the French National Center for Popular Music (CNM) provides insights into the electronic music industry in France, including market size, revenue streams, and key trends. The report can be found here.

Electronic Music Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report 2021-2028: This report by Grand View Research provides a global perspective on the electronic music market, including market size, revenue streams, and key trends. The report can be found here.

These reports provide valuable insights into the economic figures and trends of the electronic music industry in various countries and regions.

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