It's All About Data

Music metadata refers to information about a musical work, such as the title, artist, album, ISCR, ISWC and genre.

Currently, this information is often inconsistent and incomplete, leading to problems for music streaming services, listeners, and industry professionals.

Our team is dedicated to solving this issue by utilizing technology and partnerships to create a comprehensive and
standardized music metadata system.

To address the problem, we plan to implement cutting-edge artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to automatically extract and organize metadata.

We will also collaborate with industry leaders, music publishers, and rights organizations to ensure the accuracy and completeness
of our database.

Additionally, we understand that technology alone is not enough to solve this issue. A human review process will be in place to validate and enhance the metadata collected by our AI systems.

Our team of music experts will be trained to recognize and address any inaccuracies, making sure that the metadata provided by our system is of the highest quality.

By combining technology and human expertise, our team is confident that we can solve the music metadata issue and provide a reliable and comprehensive system for the industry.

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