The Benefits of Fingerprinting Your Music Catalog

Hey all you music producers out there!

We know that the music industry can be tough, and managing your music catalog can be an overwhelming task. But we’re here to make it easier for you. Our service specializes in helping producers to track their catalogs.

One of the key services we offer is the process of “fingerprinting” your music. This involves generating a unique digital fingerprint for each of your tracks, which allows us to track and monitor their use. Fingerprinting your music provides you with the tools and data needed to understand and collect royalties when your music is used. This fingerprinting process also stores all important metadata associated with your tracks, such as the artist name, album name, and track title.

We understand the pressure of having to stay on top of often complex royalty processes and tariffs, while still focusing on your artistry. That’s why we’re here to help you with the business-side advocacy. By fingerprinting your music, we take care of tracking it and report the data to CMOs and PROs.

One of the key benefits of fingerprinting your music catalog is that it provides a clear audit trail for your music. This ensures that you can track where and how your music is being used, and allows you to collect royalties. This is particularly important in the digital age, where music is widely distributed across various platforms and channels.

We understand the value of your artistry and the importance of protecting your creative work. Fingerprinting your music catalog is just one of the ways we help producers manage, protect, and monetize their music.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you take your music career to the next level.

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